Keep Track


Keeping track of your menstrual cycle can be a tedious task. Thanks to technology, there are various apps available to make the process easy, and dare I say it, fun.

Below are some menstrual cycle tracking apps that will help you track, so we can begin to hack.


This easy-to-use app combines the convenience of a menstrual cycle tracker with the science of the daily Hormone Horoscope, you’ll be able to find out what to expect from your mood, energy, love life, shopping habits, memory, cravings, sleep, health and more.

Period Calendar:

Period Calendar can help to track and predict your period, plus provide information on your fertile window and potential ovulation date.

In addition to the basic menstrual cycle tracking function, the app can be used to record temperature, intercourse, birth control, weight, cervical mucus, mood, and any other symptoms.

The pill reminder ensures that you will never forget a dose ever again. Whether you need to remember to take medications, supplements, birth control pills, or even an injection, the pill tracker can be set up to remind you.

Flo Period Tracker:

If you are wondering when you last had a period or would like to know when your next one is due, you can easily find out using Flo. Flo uses machine learning to accurately and reliably predict menstruation and ovulation.

Using the app’s bold and simple calendar, you will be able to log how you are feeling, your symptoms, sex drive, and menstruation flow. The app can also be used to track sleep, water consumption, and physical activity.


Clue has been ranked as the top period and ovulation tracking app by the Obstetrics & Gynecologyjournal, which is a publication of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Clue uses science to help its users to identify unique patterns in their menstrual cycle. With the app’s period tracker, multiple mood trackers, health logs, and exercise trackers, your health and menstrual cycle will no longer be a mystery.

Period Track Lite:

The Period Tracker Lite app makes logging menstrual cycles quick and easy. Press a button at the start of each period and Period Tracker Lite will record your data and use the average of 3 months worth of data to calculate your next period.

Take notes each day about your symptoms, such as flow, cramps, bloating, backache, headache, and tender breasts. Your weight, temperature, and a choice of more than 30 moods can also be selected.

*If apps aren’t for you, I have a PDF print out available for use here

Click HERE for a free downloadable menstrual cycle tracking chart